Chocolate Bar Brownies

This is day four of that chocolate baking bender I was telling you about.

To be fair, I made these for my flavour science class the next day. We had a 50% exam/test to sit and I thought a spot of brownie would help everyone feel better after the two hours of brain drain.

These were originally called Kit Kat Brownies. As in the Kit Kat brownies from Butter Baking. But I didn't have all the chocolate required (445g) so I decided to use her other recipe for her pretzel brownies as the base as it was mighty fantastic! So I removed all the pretzels and peanut butter truffles and replaced them with oodles of chopped up chocolate bars. It was originally supposed to be only Kit Kats but Cadbury bars were only $0.79 at New World that day, so a couple of moros, moro golds, and some spare caramello may or may not fallen into the mixture. Tragedy I know.

This will be brief, after all I have technically told you all about this one before, it just has a few different inclusions that's all.

Chocolate Bar Brownies
makes 20x30cm sized tray

225g butter
1 3/4 cups soft brown star
1 cup and 2 tablespoons cocoa
100g good quality dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa solids will do)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
3/4 cup plain flour
1/2 cup dark/white chocolate chips
2 Kit Kat chunky bars
3 more chocolate bars of your choice (I definitely recommend moro gold bars. Bounty would be good. So would twix. om nom nom! Actually you can flag the kit kats and put whatever you like in!)

Preheat the oven to 170C. Line a 20x30cm baking tray with baking paper.

In a double boiler (ie a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water) melt the butter. Add in the chocolate and stir until smooth. Dissolve in the brown sugar and cocoa. Stir until evenly combined. Transfer this mixture into a large bowl and beat for a minute until smooth.

Add the eggs and yolk one at a time, beating well between each addition until the mixture is thick and smooth.

Add in the flour and stir as many times as you need until the flour "whiteness" disappears.
Stir in the chocolate chips and the chocolate bars (that have all been chopped up into relatively chunky pieces).

Press the mixture into the tray and bake for 20-25 minutes. Remember it is better to undercook than over cook so definitely give it a check at 20 minutes as each oven is different.
